The Associa Book

Associa brings a positive impact and meaningful value to every community. This microsite serves as a digital duplicate of its parent, "The Associa Book," which is provided to internal employees for use while traveling, working, and more. The site offers employees the flexibility to access Associa knowledge on the go. It represents the first-ever digital experience of the book. Employees can view the site on their phones and download a PDF of the book onto their computers for easy access.




The Associa Book Digital


Sr. Product Designer


3 Months

The Challenge

Develop an intuitive digital platform for board members and sales associates to access and download "The Associa Book" in PDF format, incorporating user engagement features while tracking analytics for continual improvement.



Enable sales associates and board members to access the Associa Book conveniently in a digital format while on the go, providing the option to download a PDF file with a user-friendly interface for compatibility across various devices. Consider incorporating interactive features like hyperlinks or search functionalities for efficient navigation within the digital version of the Associa Book.


  • Provide a digital version of the Associa book to Associa employees, specifically board members and sales associates.
  • Provide the user with the option to download a PDF file of the book.


  • Hierarchy - This principle was key to this design. The content was structured to showcase important information first. In this case, the CEO's message was first followed by the mission and vision of Associa.
  • User's Needs - Users of the Associa book seek to download and access the book on the go. The microsite meets both these needs.
  • Typography - The font used in the design is professional yet fun. Both fonts used in the design are Merriweather and  Roboto. These two fonts pair well together, with Roboto functioning as the body text.


User Persona, Sitemap & Research

User Persona: Board members and sales associates working with homeowners. Users often carry the Printed Associa Book with them.

Research: Weekly emails were sent to the audience informing the users of the current development of the site and its release date. Clicks and email tracking data further aided the push for the microsite.





Interviews and meetings occurred before the development of the Associa book, involving executives, print book designers, and project managers, where gathered information outlined site development requirements, with a focus on the current navigation orientation as the main request from both shareholders and executives, and a specific requirement from book designers for users to download the Associa book from the site.



During the exploration session, data was collected from email surveys and current user data, which was then utilized to construct personas. A low-fidelity prototype was generated for the initial review session, where the creative director and peers assessed the design. Following the executive review, notes of their suggested changes were incorporated. Finally, at this stage of the process, a high-fidelity prototype was developed after incorporating the noted changes.



Following the development of the microsite in Webflow, a staging link was distributed to peers, directors, and certain board members, all of whom tested the site within Associa's virtual computer system and on PCs.



User feedback highlighted issues with the appearance of text in the virtual computer, leading to the resolution of the problem. Ongoing changes to the microsite are driven by executive and peer feedback, with the possibility of future content additions as Associa continues to expand.


Micro Site


Final Thoughts

This project was not only a redesign of the Associa book but also an opportunity to explore and rethink the Associa brand. Through the Associa Book, Associa restructured its brand, updating colors and fonts.  However, there are still some elements of the Associa book that may need restructuring. The main focus of the Associa Site was to provide users with the option to download the Associa Book. Yet this option is provided at the very bottom of the site. If downloading is the main concern the option to download should be at the top.  Prioritizing the user's needs first.